Establishing a company in Canada
We will help you establish a company in Canada with a virtual or real address and a bank account supported by legal banks in Canada

Canadian company
Get legal papers, a Canadian address, international payment gateways, and accounts in 5 major banks around the world via Establishing an Canadian company
Why should you establish your company in Canada?
7 reasons why you should establish a Canadian company
1.Payment gateway providers
Access to the best payment providers (such as Stripe and PayPal) is one of the reasons why many foreigners start Canadian businesses.
Because what is unique about establishing a Canadian company is that there are no taxes on profits or sales if you sell outside the state or outside America.
3.Big and huge market
The Canadian market is a large, huge and consumer market, and it is one of the global markets with a great purchasing reputation
Many Canadian companies prefer to deal with other Canadian companies. This is usually a business consideration rather than a legal necessity.
5.Opening trade routes.
If you are someone who prefers e-commerce or wants to increase your target market, the Canadian company will help you open new markets and help sell your products on global platforms such as AMAZON. Ebay. Etc.
6.Possibility opening bank accounts
By establishing a Canadian company, you can open bank accounts, some of which are electronic, such as Wise, and some are electronic branches of real banks, such as Mercury Bank, which is approved by Evolve Bank & Trust, which is a real bank approved by the FDIC
Starting a business in Canada makes it easy to obtain a visa or permanent residency. It is a great solution for those who want to make Canada their home.
Conditions for establishing a Canadian company and the required papers
In order to establish a Canadian company, you must reside outside the prohibited countries such as (Libya - Syria - Yemen - Iraq - Sudan).
Having your own identification, such as legal residency, passport or driver's license, to establish the company.
Proof of address in the country of residence, such as (internet bill - electricity bill - bank statement)
A link to your website or social media pages (such as Facebook)
Your brand name and fields (you can write 4 fields) Your business must be legal