Establishing an American company has now become easier than before

Establish your American company now with a real American address and a bank account supported by legal banks in America

American company

You can obtain legal papers, a US address, international payment gateways, and accounts in 5 major banks in the world by establishing a US company with us.

Why establish an American company?

7 reasons why you should start a US company

1. Payment gateway providers

Access to the best payment providers (such as Stripe and PayPal) is one of the reasons why many foreigners start US companies.

2. Taxes

Because what is special about establishing an American company is that there are no taxes on profits or sales if you sell outside the state or outside America.

3. Big and huge market

The American market is a large, huge and consumer market, and it is one of the global markets with a great purchasing reputation

4. Contracts

Many American companies prefer to do business with other American companies. This is usually a business consideration rather than a legal necessity.

5. Opening trade routes.

If you are one of those who prefer e-commerce or want to increase your target market, the American company will help you open new markets and help sell your products on global platforms such as AMAZON. Ebay. Etsy

6. Possibility opening bank accounts

By establishing an American company, you can open bank accounts, some of which are electronic, such as Wise, and some are electronic branches of real banks, such as Mercury Bank, approved by Evolve Bank & Trust, which is a real bank approved by the FDIC. Banking credits

7. Immigration

Starting a business in the United States makes it easier to obtain a visa or permanent residency. It is a great solution for those who want to make America their home.

Advantages of establishing an American company

1. Stability

The United States is considered one of the most stable countries in the world, making it a reliable and stable environment to establish your company.

2. Big market

The United States has a large and diverse market, which means there are great opportunities for your company to succeed and expand in the local and global market.

3. Advanced infrastructure

The United States has a well-developed infrastructure that includes communications and transportation, making it easier for you to run your business and deliver your products seamlessly.

4. Qualified workforce

The United States has a qualified and multi-talented workforce, which means you can get the skills and competencies you need for your company's success.

5. Appropriate tax laws

The United States offers a favorable tax system for businesses, which means you'll get tax benefits and cost savings.

6. Innovation, research and development

The United States is a global center for innovation, research and development, which means your company will be in an environment that stimulates innovation and supports technological advancement.

7. International partnerships

The United States has a strong network of international partnerships, which means you can access trade and cooperation opportunities with different international companies.

8. Entrepreneurial culture

The United States encourages and supports the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, which means you can develop a unique and innovative idea for your company.

9. Quality and reliability

Made in the USA products and services are known for quality and reliability, giving your company a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

10. Global trust and reputation

The United States has a strong global reputation for business, which means establishing your company in the United States will enhance the trust of customers and business partners.

Why establish a company with us?

Because we are an international company, we started our activity in 2022 and have expanded into the European, British, and American markets, and we have clients in more than 20 countries around the world.
We have a large history in e-commerce with more than 1+ years of experience, and we are also a certified partner of Facebook
We are a team of 10+ distinguished people who always work to excel and distinguish our customers, and we always search for what is new and distinctive.
We previously started with a partner with one electronic bank, and now it has increased to 8 banks, some of which are electronic, some of which are accredited by local banks and accredited by the FDIC for bank accreditation in America.
You will find support with us in Arabic and English, and we will be with you in all stages of your work, including consultations via phone, WhatsApp, or via Zoom (we have obtained the title of quick response from our clients)

Conditions for establishing an American company and the required papers

In order to establish an American company, you must reside outside the prohibited countries such as (Libya - Syria - Yemen - Iraq - Sudan).
Having your own identity, such as legal residency, passport, or driver’s license, to establish the company. In order to open banks, you must (have a legal passport away from prohibited countries to avoid rejection)
Having proof of address in the country you reside in, such as (internet bill - electricity bill - bank report)
A link to your website or social media business page (such as facebook) Your business must be legitimate.
Having an American number (we will help you provide it)

Countries in which establishment can be established

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
South Carolina
Rhode Island
North Carolina
North Dakota