Establishing a company In Sultanate of Oman

We will help you establish a company in the Sultanate of Oman with a virtual or real address and a bank account supported by legal banks in the Sultanate of Oman.

Establishing companies in the Sultanate of Oman

There are several types of companies that can be established in the Sultanate of Oman. Some common types of companies include


1. LLC - Limited Liability Company

This is the most common company type in Oman. Shareholders in this type of company can limit their liability to a specific amount of money they have deposited as capital It allows foreigners and locals to partner in establishing this type of company.

2. Joint Stock Company

It allows a company to raise capital by selling shares to shareholders. It can be open or closed and foreigners can invest in it.

3. foreign-owned company

The establishment of wholly foreign-owned companies is permitted in some sectors. Recognition of a wholly foreign-owned company depends on the type of activity and current laws.

4. Sole Proprietorship

It is owned and operated by one person, and that person is responsible for the debts and liabilities.

5. For the cooperative company

Establishing these types of companies requires compliance with local regulations and laws and laws specific to the sector in which the company operates. You should always consult with a local attorney or legal advisor to ensure full compliance with the procedures and conditions related to company incorporation.

6. Limited Partnership

It allows partners to contribute a certain capital, but there must be a partner responsible for debts and obligations.

Why should you establish a company in the Sultanate of Oman?

8 reasons why you should start a company in the Sultanate of Oman

Protecting the company name

You can easily protect your brand name and company name when establishing a company in the Sultanate of Oman

Get domain

Obtaining a domain approved by the Omani government: name

Opening global payment gateways

You can open international payment gateways with ease, such as the Stripe and Paypal payment gateway, and receive your payments from customers through your online store from all over the world.

Expand your target market

By establishing a company in the Sultanate of Oman, you can open business accounts on global platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and other international sites, through which you can increase sales and make your brand known.

Tax advantages

You do not have to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) until your turnover reaches £83,000 within 12 months, provided your product or services are sold within Oman. The profits tax is 19%.

Featured status

When you establish a company in the Sultanate of Oman, it is an international company and you have a unique position when establishing commercial contracts

Better business financing

You can obtain investments for your company from institutions in the Sultanate of Oman faster and easier

Opening bank accounts

You can open bank accounts on Omani lands and obtain official papers when establishing a company in the Sultanate of Oman.

What we offer you

1. Types of companies:

Various types of companies can be established in free zones, including limited liability companies, joint stock companies, private joint stock companies, and others. The most appropriate type can be chosen based on the type of activity and the needs of the company.

2. Simplifying procedures:

Free zones work to provide simplified and easy establishment procedures for companies. This includes facilities in licenses, permits and registration.

3. Tax exemptions:

Free zones usually offer tax facilities such as exemption from income tax and value-added tax (VAT) to companies located there.

4. Simplifying customs:

Free zones usually facilitate imports and exports by providing customs relief and facilitating logistics.

5. Providing infrastructure:

Free zones offer modern infrastructure and advanced facilities to support businesses, such as ports, airports and warehouses.

6. Freedom of ownership:

Free zones usually allow full or almost complete freedom of ownership for foreign investors.


There are several types of Omani companies that can be established in Egypt

1. Limited Company

The limited company is the most common form of company in the United Kingdom. The limited company has a legal personality independent of the members of the company, and the liability of its members is limited to the size of the capital contributed to the company.

2. Partnership

A partnership consists of two or more people who share the management and profits of the company. The liability and obligations of the partners are specified in a partnership agreement.

3. Public Limited Company

A joint stock company is a limited company whose shares can be sold to the public. A joint-stock company is subject to more laws and regulations compared to a limited company.

4. Sole Trader

A sole trader is a simple form of company where one person is solely responsible for the management and profits of the company.

5. Joint Venture

A joint venture is formed when two or more companies cooperate to implement a specific project. The details and obligations of the partners are specified in the participation agreement.